
Showing posts from 2015

Heartless creating an Artless world

Coming to think of art, just let us discuss things with the image, photo, picture in focus. The basics of handling images would include 'constraining proportions'. But the tech world, mouse-mover teachers turn a blind eye to this basic necessity. Search engines including the giant Google prompt developers to include both 'width' and 'height' values to images in web pages, a siren call for disaster. The so called 'computer schools' also turn a blind eye. The diploma holders coming out of these institutions pollute the aesthetic world with wrongly projected images all over the internet and elsewhere. The template mongers WordPress Joomla etc, are no different. They also prompt for width and height values. And then there is the Web Standards Consortium! The heartless creates an Artless world.

Technology vs Art

I had often thought that the advancement in technology is counter-productive for the interests of art and aesthetics. The reason is simple. Machines are only second grade brains, it can never match the capabilities of the original one. To whatever extent artificial intelligence grow up, it would remain substandard a commodity to the human brain. Let us analyse things in detail. Artists are born, never made. Whatever amount of theories we could inculcate into the aspirants, there would always be a missing ingredient. We cannot create a Shakespeare, Michelangelo or Van Gog. Before the arrival of computers it was impossible for the non-artists try their hand at arts. Computers empowered them to conjure up mediocre stuff they themselves call art, but others won't. No, I was wrong when I said 'but others won't'. The chemistry, or mechanism, or whatever it is of aesthetics is so complicate it cannot even be defined in clear terms. Then, how did people recognize it? I...